• 教科書・教材の問い合わせ

Company Profile

Company Name GAKKOTOSHO Co., Ltd.
Top Management CEO Kazuo Hashimoto
Date founded May 20, 1948
Capital 50 millions yen
Main Business
  • Editing, publication and distribution of books for school education.
  • Development, production and sales of educational materials,educational tools and educational devices.
  • Editing, translation, publication and sales of foreign books.
  • Planning, editing, production and sales of publications such as books and dictionaries.
  • Planning, editing, production and sales of periodical publications such as magazines.
  • Editing, production and sales of government official publications.
  • Development, production, sales, lease, rental and export/import of household electrical devices, household light application devices, computers and their software.
  • Planning, production and operation of education-related events and acceptance of entrustment of such works.
  • Acceptance of entrustment of editing privately-printed books.